Monday, February 25, 2013

It has been a really long time since I last posted, and I feel like I'm way different now than I was last summer. I've become smarter, and discovered new music interests.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Ok so I know nobody really looks at this blog but I can still post stuff, so I would like to talk about some new music i have discovered and like, but also the Coldplay concert I attended on July 8th at the Verizon Center in D.C. It was really fun, and I wish I could go over and over again. It was really fun! I am still wearing my "Xyloband." The lightshow was amazing. I'm waiting for my birthday so I can get and iTunes giftcard to get the rest of the album. The new music I wanted to talk about was a band that opened for Coldplay called Wolf Gang. (Yes they are two seperate words.) I like "Lions in cages," "The King and all of His Men," and "Dancing with the devil." I really suggest looking them up, But not on an iPad or iPhone or whatever unless you are looking it up on iTunes because for some reason you can't look at certain youtube videos on those devices, but i dont know about other tablets and phones and whatnot. But anyways, They are really good! Look up some coldplay songs too! I discovered a breakthrough the other day with their album after everyone else in the universe did! Mylo Xyloto is the beginning of Hurts like Heaven and M.M.I.X. or whatever is the beginning of every teardrop is a waterfall!! Ar rent i files wiithe smerticles in mi brin!!!1! Haha!! Get it?  Oh I knew you would!
--Hannah <3xoxo

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Music is.

Music can really speak to people in ways nothing else can. some people think art speaks to people.
No. Not like music. Music is inspiring. it can change your mood in a flash. MUSIC IS MY LIFE
I cant live without it. For some people it is all they have. for some people it is what makes them tick. For other people it is What keeps them going. Their motivation. Why they sleep at night. Why they don't sleep at night. For other people it is what they ARE.
I did say that music was my life. but I realized i was wrong.

Music IS life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Theres another band that I really like called Florence and the Machine that I forgot to put on Yesterdays post. So,
~Florence and the Machine!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sharps and flats

First Post!! so exited!! This is about MUSIC which I love, and I got this idea from a friend who is doing the same thing. heres her site:
you should check it out! Hers is more about ROCK and mine is about pretty much everything.
some of my favorite bands are....
~Dj Satomi!! I was going to put the link to Castle in the sky on here, but its always sped up on youtube.
~Passion Pit!!!
~ Onerepublic!!
that last one is called Popcandy and I drew a picture of miku popcandy style so ill show that to you sometime.